
Donec id elit non mi por­ta gra­vi­da at eget metus. Cum soci­is nato­que pena­ti­bus et mag­nis dis par­tu­ri­ent mon­tes, nasce­tur ridi­cu­lus mus. Donec ullam­cor­per nulla non metus auc­tor fringilla.

Heading One

Hea­ding Two

Hea­ding Three

Hea­ding Four

Hea­ding Five
Hea­ding Six

This is a sub­head block, whe­re you can add a litt­le extra blurb about your post or page. Cool yeah?

Pre­for­mat­ted Block

The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

...and heres a line of some really, really, really, really long text, just to see how it is handled and to find out how it overflows;

Orde­red List

  1. Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit.
  2. Donec ullam­cor­per nulla non metus auc­tor fringilla. 
    1. Con­di­men­tum euis­mod aenean.
    2. Purus com­mo­do ridiculus.
    3. Nibh com­mo­do vestibulum.
  3. Cras jus­to odio, dapi­bus ac faci­li­sis in.

Unor­de­red List

  • Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit.
  • Donec ullam­cor­per nulla non metus auc­tor fringilla. 
    • Nibh com­mo­do vestibulum.
    • Aene­an eu leo quam.
    • Pel­len­tes­que ornare sem lacinia.
  • Cras jus­to odio, dapi­bus ac faci­li­sis in.


This is an exam­p­le of the core Guten­berg ver­se block.

A block for haiku? 
Why not?
Blocks for all the things!


Here is an exam­p­le of the core Guten­berg table block. 

Employee Sala­ry Posi­ti­on
Jane Doe
$100k CEO
John Doe $100k CTO
Jane Bloggs $100k Engi­nee­ring
Fred Bloggs $100k Mar­ke­ting

Latest Posts, List View

Prae­sent com­mo­do cur­sus magna, vel sce­le­ris­que nisl con­sec­te­tur et. Cras jus­to odio, dapi­bus ac faci­li­sis in, eges­tas eget quam. 

Latest Posts, Grid View

And now for the Grid View. The Latest Posts block also dis­plays at wide and full width ali­gnments, so be sure to check tho­se styl­es as well.


Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue. Mor­bi leo risus, por­ta ac con­sec­te­tur ac, ves­ti­bu­lum at eros. Mae­ce­nas sed diam eget risus vari­us blan­dit sit amet non magna sed diam ed diam eget risus vari­us eget.

Donec sed odio dui. Mae­ce­nas fau­ci­bus mol­lis inter­dum. Duis mol­lis, est non com­mo­do luc­tus, nisi erat port­ti­tor ligu­la, eget laci­n­ia odio.

Rich Tabor

Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue. Mor­bi leo risus, por­ta ac con­sec­te­tur ac, ves­ti­bu­lum at eros. Mae­ce­nas sed diam eget risus vari­us blan­dit sit amet non magna sed diam ed diam eget risus vari­us eget.

Alter­na­te Blockquote

The alter­na­te block quo­te style can be tara­ge­ted using the CSS sel­ec­tor. Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue. Mor­bi leo risus, por­ta ac con­sec­te­tur ac, ves­ti­bu­lum at eros.

Donec sed odio dui. Mae­ce­nas fau­ci­bus mol­lis inter­dum. Duis mol­lis, est non com­mo­do luc­tus, nisi erat port­ti­tor ligu­la, eget laci­n­ia odio sem nec elit.

Rich Tabor

Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue. Mor­bi leo risus, por­ta ac con­sec­te­tur ac, ves­ti­bu­lum at eros. Mae­ce­nas sed diam eget risus vari­us blan­dit sit amet non magna sed diam ed diam eget risus vari­us eget.


Donec sed odio dui. Aene­an laci­n­ia biben­dum nulla sed con­sec­te­tur. Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit. Cen­ter ali­gned:

An exam­p­le of an Audio Block caption

Curab­i­tur blan­dit tem­pus port­ti­tor. Donec sed odio dui. Eti­am por­ta sem male­sua­da magna mol­lis euis­mod. Curab­i­tur blan­dit tem­pus porttitor.


Donec sed odio dui. Aene­an laci­n­ia biben­dum nulla sed con­sec­te­tur. Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit. Cen­ter ali­gned

Viva­mus sagit­tis lacus vel augue lao­reet rut­rum fau­ci­bus dolor auc­tor. Inte­ger posue­re erat a ante venena­tis dapi­bus posue­re velit aliquet. 

Viva­mus sagit­tis lacus vel augue lao­reet rut­rum fau­ci­bus dolor auc­tor. Inte­ger posue­re erat a ante venena­tis dapi­bus posue­re velit ali­quet. Donec ullam­cor­per nulla non metus auc­tor frin­gil­la. Mae­ce­nas sed diam eget risus varius.

Viva­mus sagit­tis lacus vel augue lao­reet rut­rum fau­ci­bus dolor auc­tor. Inte­ger posue­re erat a ante venena­tis dapi­bus posue­re velit ali­quet. Donec ullam­cor­per nulla non metus auc­tor frin­gil­la. Mae­ce­nas sed diam eget risus varius.



Cras jus­to odio, dapi­bus ac faci­li­sis in, eges­tas eget quam. Sed posue­re con­sec­te­tur est at lob­or­tis. Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit. Donec sed odio dui. Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue.

Cras jus­to odio, dapi­bus ac faci­li­sis in, eges­tas eget quam. Sed posue­re con­sec­te­tur est at lob­or­tis. Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit. Donec sed odio dui. Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue.

Pull Quo­tes

Here is an exam­p­le of the core pull quo­te block, set to dis­play cen­te­red. Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue. Mor­bi leo risus, por­ta ac con­sec­te­tur ac, ves­ti­bu­lum at eros.

Aene­an eu leo quam. Pel­len­tes­que ornare sem laci­n­ia quam venena­tis ves­ti­bu­lum. Sed posue­re est at lobortis.

Rich Tabor, Them​eBe​ans​.com

Wide ali­gned

Here is an exam­p­le of the core pull quo­te block, set to dis­play with the wide-ali­gned attri­bu­te, if the the­me allows it. Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue. Mor­bi leo risus, por­ta ac con­sec­te­tur ac, ves­ti­bu­lum at eros.

Here we have a left-ali­gned pullquote.

Rich Tabor

Donec id elit non mi por­ta gra­vi­da at eget metus. Null­am quis risus eget urna mol­lis ornare vel eu leo. Cras jus­to odio, dapi­bus ac faci­li­sis in, eges­tas eget quam. Inte­ger posue­re erat a ante venena­tis dapi­bus posue­re velit ali­quet. Cras mat­tis con­sec­te­tur purus sit amet fer­men­tum. Ves­ti­bu­lum id ligu­la por­ta felis euis­mod semper.

Here we have a right-ali­gned pullquote.

Rich Tabor

Donec ullam­cor­per nulla non metus auc­tor frin­gil­la. Aene­an eu leo quam. Pel­len­tes­que ornare sem laci­n­ia quam venena­tis ves­ti­bu­lum. Cum soci­is nato­que pena­ti­bus et mag­nis dis par­tu­ri­ent mon­tes, nasce­tur ridi­cu­lus mus. Eti­am por­ta sem male­sua­da magna mol­lis euis­mod. Mor­bi leo risus, por­ta ac con­sec­te­tur ac, ves­ti­bu­lum at eros.

Image Block

Duis mol­lis, est non com­mo­do luc­tus, nisi erat port­ti­tor ligu­la, eget laci­n­ia odio sem nec elit. Mae­ce­nas fau­ci­bus mol­lis interdum.

Fus­ce dapi­bus, tel­lus ac cur­sus com­mo­do, tor­tor mau­ris con­di­men­tum nibh, ut fer­men­tum mas­sa jus­to sit amet risus. Duis mol­lis, est non com­mo­do luc­tus, nisi erat port­ti­tor ligu­la, eget laci­n­ia odio sem nec elit.

Left ali­gned: dapi­bus, tel­lus ac cur­sus com­mo­do, tor­tor mau­ris con­di­men­tum nibh, ut fer­men­tum mas­sa jus­to sit amet risus. Aene­an eu leo quam. Pel­len­tes­que ornare sem laci­n­ia quam venena­tis vestibulum. 

Null­am quis risus eget urna mol­lis ornare vel eu leo. Prae­sent com­mo­do cur­sus magna, vel sce­le­ris­que nisl con­sec­te­tur et. Mae­ce­nas fau­ci­bus mol­lis inter­dum. Ves­ti­bu­lum id ligu­la por­ta felis euis­mod sem­per. Null­am quis risus.

Video Block

Lets check out the posi­tio­ning and sty­ling of the video core block. We will check the wide and full ali­gnments too.

Cover Image Block

Check out the posi­tio­ning and sty­ling of the cover image core block. We will check the wide and full ali­gnments, as well as left/​right.

Left Ali­gned Cover Image

Left ali­gned: dapi­bus, tel­lus ac cur­sus com­mo­do, tor­tor mau­ris con­di­men­tum nibh, ut fer­men­tum mas­sa jus­to sit amet risus. Aene­an eu leo quam. Pel­len­tes­que ornare sem laci­n­ia quam venena­tis ves­ti­bu­lum. Eti­am por­ta sem male­sua­da magna mol­lis euis­mod. Aene­an laci­n­ia biben­dum nulla sed con­sec­te­tur. Prae­sent com­mo­do cur­sus magna, vel sce­le­ris­que nisl con­sec­te­tur et.

Right Ali­gned Cover Image

Right ali­gned: sce­le­ris­que nisl con­sec­te­tur et. Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue. Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit. 

Fus­ce dapi­bus, tel­lus ac cur­sus com­mo­do, tor­tor mau­ris con­di­men­tum nibh, ut fer­men­tum mas­sa jus­to sit amet risus. Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit. Vel sce­le­ris­que nisl con­sec­te­tur et. Nulla vitae elit libe­ro, a pha­re­tra augue. Null­am id dolor id nibh ultri­ci­es vehi­cu­la ut id elit. Cen­ter aligned:

Cen­ter Ali­gned Cover Image

Gal­lery Blocks

Let us check out the posi­tio­ning and sty­ling of the gal­lery blocks.

Two Column Gallery

Below we have a Gal­lery Block inser­ted with two colum­ns and two images.

Three Column

Below we have a Gal­lery Block inser­ted with three colum­ns and three images.

Four Column

Below we have a Gal­lery Block inser­ted with four colum­ns and four images.

Five Column

Below we have a Gal­lery Block inser­ted with five colum­ns and five images.

Four Column, Five Images

Let us switch things up a bit. Now we have a Gal­lery Block inser­ted with four colum­ns and five images.

Three Column, Five Images

Now we have a Gal­lery Block inser­ted with three colum­ns and five images.

Below you will find a Gal­lery Block inser­ted with two colum­ns and five images.

Two Column, Five Images

Three Column, Four Images

Below you will find a Gal­lery Block inser­ted with three colum­ns and four images.